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Parent Teacher Organization

Mission Statement

The TECEC PTO is dedicated to the enrichment of the Trumbull Early  Childhood Education Center and its students.  Our goal is to promote  cooperation and communication between home, school, and community. The  PTO meets the first Wednesday of each month.

Our philosophy is to provide educational enhancements, including, but  not limited to, programs which benefit the majority of the student body  and are not normally provided by the board of Education.

It is our belief that the team effort of a parent-teacher  organization offers the best possible learning environment for our  children.

PTO Executive BOARD


Mandy Gargano & Monica Duarte, Co-Presidents

Samantha Belmont- Secretary

Cindy Bradford- Treasurer

Colleen Cannon- Parent-Teacher Liaison           

TBD- Special Needs Liaison

Lauren Rodriguez- ABNO and Fundraising Coordinator  

Christine Tossini- Playdate Coordinator

PTO Board Responsibilities


  • Preside at all regular and Executive Board Meetings
  • Call the meetings to order and formally close them
  • Keep meetings on track
  • Preview any PTO materials before their distribution
  • Prepare an agenda with the help of the Committee members for each regular meeting
  • Appoint chairpersons to all standing and special committees
  • Try to encourage parent involvement in committees and their chairs


  • Record and keep a copy of the minutes of all meetings
  • Provide the President a copy of the minutes after each meeting for his/her review
  • Maintain a copy of the bylaws and amendments to follow
  • Keep a list of unfinished business and a copy of the agenda
  • Keep a list of committee chairs and co-chairs
  • Keep a copy of the calendar of events
  • Try to encourage parent involvement in committees and their chairs
  • Shall process and track all membership applications


  • Receive all moneys of TECEC PTO
  • Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
  • Pay out funds only as authorized by the organization
  • Present a statement of accounts at every meeting
  • Maintain and balance bank account
  • Make a full report at the Annual Meeting in June
  • Try to encourage parent involvement in committees and their chairs

Parent-Teacher Liaison

  • Communicates TECEC PTO activities to the parents at TECEC

Events Coordinator

  • Coordinates all playdates
  • Leads all TECEC PTO events
  • Assures that board members assist and participate in TECEC PTO events


The organization shall be noncommercial, non sectarian and non partisian.
All Preschool families are welcome to become members of the PTO by completing a membership application.
No dues shall be collected at any time.
All Preschool families and staff are invited to attend the PTO meetings.
Meeting dates will be published and reminder notices will be sent home.  Minutes will be kept and will be available to all Preschool families and  staff for all meetings.

Funds Requests

Additional Information

  • All requests for PTO funds must directly benefit the educational and/or developmental needs of the preschool children.
  • All requests for funds must be submitted on the PTO Expense Form  found in the PTO mailbox. The requests will be reviewed at the next  officer’s meeting or general PTO meeting.
  • Officers have the right to approve or refuse the request.
  • The form will be returned upon review. If the item is not approved  for purchase and further discussion is warranted, the PTO officers will  meet with the Team Leader, PTO liasion and teacher making the request  for further discussion.